How Do Restraining Orders Work in Rhode Island?

Different types of restraining orders require different levels of proof. It’s important to understand what evidence is needed to secure a restraining order in Rhode Island, even if you need to fight one rather than secure one against someone else.

A trusted Rhode Island criminal defense attorney can help you understand your legal rights and options if you are facing a restraining order. It’s best to contact a lawyer as soon as you can in these circumstances, as restraining order cases are often especially time-sensitive.

Types of Restraining Orders in Rhode Island

Generally speaking, there are two types of restraining orders in Rhode Island:

  • No-contact order. A judge can issue a no-contact order in a criminal case that will remain in effect until the end of the trial or sentencing if requested by the victim.
  • Restraining order. A victim can seek a restraining order independent from a criminal case if they have suffered physical abuse, sexual abuse, threats of abuse, or stalking.

If you have questions or concerns about a no-contact order or restraining order, consult a seasoned restraining order attorney.

How Do I Respond to a Restraining Order in Rhode Island?

If you are served with a restraining order, you should take the following steps:

Obey the Terms of the Restraining Order

Follow the terms of the restraining order and do not have any prohibited contact with the other party. Even if you think the order is unwarranted or unfair, disobeying the order will hurt your case in court.

If you violate the restraining order, you could be fined and even placed in jail.

Gather Evidence

Gather things such as text messages, voicemails, witness statements, photographs, and any other evidence that may be relevant to your case.

Contact an Attorney

Contact an attorney as soon as possible to discuss your case and next steps, such as attending your upcoming restraining order hearing.

Schedule a Consultation With an Experienced Rhode Island Restraining Order Attorney

If you need help fighting an unfair restraining order, an experienced attorney can defend you and put forth your best arguments. Manosh Payette Criminal Defense Attorneys can help. Contact our office today to schedule your free consultation.

Contact Our Criminal Defense Law Firm – Manosh Payette Criminal Defense Attorneys

For more information, please contact the Providence criminal defense law firm of Manosh Payette Criminal Defense Attorneys for a free consultation, give us a call at (401) 854-7794 or visit our convenient location:

Manosh Payette Criminal Defense Attorneys – Providence Criminal Defense Attorney
101 Dyer St Suite 2D, Providence, RI 02903, United States