Rhode Island Criminal Defense Law Firm

Case Results

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In Rhode Island, an accusation alone can get someone arrested, charged and even convicted. Our client was charged with capital offenses for rape and child molestation, and facing multiple life sentences. At trial, Attorney Kara Manosh cross examined the complaining witness and showed the jury how and why she had lied. The jury returned verdicts of NOT GUILTY on all counts. He was released from prison and walked out of the courthouse with his family!


Our client was charged with possession with intent to deliver a kilo of cocaine. Attorney Payette immediately began to file motions, arguing that the State could not prove that the client ever possessed that cocaine. Just as a Judge was about to dismiss the case, the State filed a dismissal. Fortunately, the client had a lawyer willing to fight every battle and force the State to do the right thing.


Our innocent client saw a man shot and killed in front of him, and he panicked and ran. The real killer became the state’s star witness against the client despite clear evidence he was the shooter. The jurors saw right through this and not only delivered a verdict of not guilty-but asked us when the true killer would be charged with murder. Because of our advocacy, he was released to his family instead of spending the rest of his young life behind bars for a crime he did not commit.


Our client was charged with the first-degree murder of his friend. It was immediately clear to Attorney Payette that he was innocent and it was going to be up to her to prove it. He was being held without bail at the ACI so it needed to be done fast so he could be released. With the help of my investigator, we tracked down additional surveillance video from the area and spoke to the initial 911 caller. Based on that interview and that surveillance, we were able to show that the client could not have committed the murder. He was released from the ACI 9 days after his arrest and returned home to his family. A few months later, the State dismissed the murder charge against the client as the evidence we had secured proved what we knew all along: he was innocent.


Our client was charged with a third gun possession and was facing a ten-year prison sentence if convicted after trial. He knew that he had been unfairly targeted by the police in violation of his rights. After securing the body worn cameras and the policies and procedures of the police department, Attorney Payette successfully showed the Court that the officers’ actions that night were in violation of the client’s fourth amendment rights against unlawful searches and seizures and the evidence was suppressed. His case was dismissed.


Our client was charged with possession of a firearm based on an unlawful and targeted search of his person because as officers testified- his pants “were too tight for the neighborhood.” We took the case to trial and confronted the officer about his justification for the search. Not only were the jurors offended by this stereotype, but they returned an across the board NOT GUILTY, rejecting the officers’ testimony that they found a gun in his waistband.


When confronted with a dangerous situation, our client heroically wrestled a gun away from someone in a house full of children. Even though he had potentially saved several lives including the lives of children, the State still charged him with child neglect and firing in a compact area. The jury agreed with Attorney Payette -- the client had one right choice, stop the threat to his children and wrestle the gun away and returned a swift verdict of NOT GUILTY on all charges.


Our client was accused of Assault with Intent to Murder after a brutal fight in Providence. The alleged victim testified that my client attacked him with a knife, leaving him badly injured and near death. Client testified that he was attacked, and only used the knife to defend himself. Attorney Manosh argued that our client was justified to use the knife and that the force was reasonable under the circumstances. The jury agreed and the client was found NOT GUILTY. He was facing 20 years in prison but walked out of the courthouse a free man.


Our client was charged with 1st Degree Murder and facing life in prison. The State was unwilling to negotiate because the fight was captured on surveillance video. Attorney Manosh argued to the jury that my client did not start the fight and did not bring the weapon to the fight. The jury deliberated and returned a lesser verdict of Manslaughter- giving my client the chance to be released in the near future.


Our client was accused of 1st Degree Robbery and was held without bail after his arraignment. At his bail hearing, Attorney Manosh cross-examined the alleged victim. She accused the alleged victim of being a drug dealer who lied about being attacked in order to get back at our client for a bad drug deal. The alleged victim was caught in so many lies that the Judge agreed to set bail and our client was RELEASED. Kara Manosh printed out the testimony of the alleged victim and asked the State to read it to the Grand Jury. The State decided to DISMISS THE CHARGES instead.


Our client was charged with conspiracy to engage in drug trafficking. Attorney Manosh immediately secured bail for our client and then attacked the charging documents, arguing that there was insufficient evidence to even bring the charges. The judge agreed and our client had all counts dismissed quickly.


Our client was accused of felony domestic assault on his girlfriend. His girlfriend was cross-examined by Kara Manosh and it was clear that her story made no sense. Our client took the stand and told the jury that he was the one who was attacked, and Kara Manosh argued to the jury that the injuries to the girlfriend were more consistent with our client’s side of the story. The jury agreed and the client was found NOT GUILTY.


Our client was charged with possessing a firearm after a crime of violence, but the firearm was a BB gun. We filed a motion to dismiss, arguing jurisdictional and constitutional issues of statutory construction. It sounds complicated, but the State quickly dismissed the case once the memorandum of law was filed.


When the police raided our client’s home at 5am, they found large quantities of drugs, several guns and evidence of drug dealing. Our client was held without bail and the State offered a jail sentence to resolve the case. Kara Manosh filed a Motion to Suppress the evidence and argued that the police had no basis to search the home once our client had been placed in custody – and the “sweep” was actually a pretext for a warrantless search. The judge agreed and kilos of drugs and numerous guns were suppressed. All charges were dismissed.


Our client was charged with manufacturing a controlled substance and facing 30 years in prison. Attorney Manosh fought everything- probable cause, the legitimacy of the search and the factual conclusions that led to our cleint’s arrest. The State finally agreed to dismiss all charges in the weeks just before the trial. Sometimes being relentless pays off!

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